19.15. Parameter Limits #

19.15.1. Boolean Limits
19.15.2. String Limits
19.15.3. Integer Limits
19.15.4. Numeric Limits
19.15.5. Enumerated Limits
19.15.6. Example configuration

Some roles (users or groups) can be restricted in setting the configuration parameters. The administrator can define particular restricions in the guc_limits.json file and put it into the data directory.

The file is a JSON array where each element represents a single limit. Multiple limits can be assigned to a single variable. The following limit attributes are required regardless the parameter data type:

The other attributes are only applicable to parameters of specific data types.

19.15.1. Boolean Limits #

  • value

    The allowed value of the parameter.

19.15.2. String Limits #

  • value

    The allowed value of the parameter.

  • allow_empty

    Can the parameter be set to empty string? The default value is true.

19.15.3. Integer Limits #

  • min

    Minimum value of the parameter.

  • max

    Maximum value of the parameter.

19.15.4. Numeric Limits #

  • min

    Minimum value of the parameter.

  • include_min

    Is the minimum value allowed itself? The default value is false.

  • max

    Maximum value of the parameter.

  • include_max

    Is the maximum value allowed itself? The default value is false.

19.15.5. Enumerated Limits #

  • values

    The list of values the parameter can be assigned.

19.15.6. Example configuration #

The following sample file shows how limits can be imposed on configuration parameters of different data types.

        "var_name" : "enable_seqscan",
        "value" : true,
        "roles" : ["app1"]

        "var_name" : "work_mem",
        "min" : 1024,
        "max" : 2048,
        "roles" : ["monitor"]

        "var_name" : "work_mem",
        "min" : 1024,
        "max" : "16MB",
        "roles" : ["admin"]

        "var_name" : "max_parallel_workers",
        "max" : 10,
        "roles" : ["app1", "app2"]

        "var_name" : "default_tablespace",
        "value" : "tbsp_app1",
        "roles" : ["app1"]

        "var_name" : "client_min_messages",
        "values" : ["log", "info", "notice", "warning", "error"],
        "roles" : ["app1", "app2"]

You can enforce rereading of the guc_limits.json file in the same way as you would do for postgresql.conf: by running pg_ctl reload from the command line or by calling the SQL function pg_reload_conf().