54.23. pg_sequences #

The view pg_sequences provides access to useful information about each sequence in the database.

Table 54.23. pg_sequences Columns

Column Type


schemaname name (references pg_namespace.nspname)

Name of schema containing sequence

sequencename name (references pg_class.relname)

Name of sequence

sequenceowner name (references pg_authid.rolname)

Name of sequence's owner

data_type regtype (references pg_type.oid)

Data type of the sequence

start_value int8

Start value of the sequence

min_value int8

Minimum value of the sequence

max_value int8

Maximum value of the sequence

increment_by int8

Increment value of the sequence

cycle bool

Whether the sequence cycles

cache_size int8

Cache size of the sequence

last_value int8

The last sequence value written to disk. If caching is used, this value can be greater than the last value handed out from the sequence.

The last_value column will read as null if any of the following are true: